Fresh Muddy Pond Sorghum

About the Produce

The World of Muddy Pond Sorghum

Step into the Wholesome World of Muddy Pond Sorghum
Muddy Pond Sorghum, a thick, amber-colored syrup, is derived from the sweet juice of the sorghum cane. Known for its robust and earthy sweetness, it’s a staple sweetener in the South and a beloved ingredient in numerous recipes, from baked goods to barbecue sauces.

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Nutritional Value

Nutritional Aspects of Muddy Pond Sorghum

A tablespoon of Muddy Pond Sorghum contains approximately 61 calories. This syrup is rich in potassium and provides significant percentages of your daily requirements of iron, calcium, and magnesium. It also contains small amounts of vitamins like niacin and riboflavin.
Nelson Family Farms- Mixed Fruits

Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Muddy Pond Sorghum

Muddy Pond Sorghum is a healthier alternative to refined sugars and sweeteners. The high potassium content can aid in maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Iron, present in a significant amount, contributes to red blood cell formation, while calcium and magnesium are essential for bone health.

Peak Season

Best Time to Enjoy Muddy Pond Sorghum

While Muddy Pond Sorghum can be enjoyed all year round, the sorghum cane’s harvest time generally falls in late summer through early fall, often resulting in the freshest batches of syrup.
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Varieties We Carry*

*Subject to availability
FAQs for
Muddy Pond Sorghum
Yes, Muddy Pond Sorghum can easily substitute other sweeteners like honey, molasses, and syrup in your culinary preparations.
Sorghum syrup should be stored in a cool, dark place. Refrigeration after opening prevents fermentation and prolongs freshness.
Yes, Muddy Pond Sorghum is naturally gluten-free, making it a good choice for those on a gluten-free diet.
Typically, Muddy Pond Sorghum is free from additives or preservatives. However, always check the product label for confirmation.
While Muddy Pond Sorghum is lower on the glycemic index than regular sugar, it can still affect blood sugar levels. It’s essential for individuals with diabetes to enjoy in moderation and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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