
About the Plant

About Our Palms

At Nelson Family Farms, we offer a wide variety of beautiful and healthy palms for your home or garden. Our nursery plants are carefully selected and grown with love and care, ensuring that they will thrive in any environment.

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Nelson Family Farms - Trees and Palms
Nelson Family Farms - Grown

Locally Grown

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Ready To Plant

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Nelson Family Farms-Ornamental Nursery Plants

Varieties We Carry*

Majesty, Areca, European Fan, Triangle, Coconut, Thatch palm, Fox Tail, Christmas, Bottle, Spindle, Bismarckia, Ponytail, Queen, Robellini, Cabada and more.
*Subject to availability


FAQs for


Palms are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also have many benefits for your garden. They can provide shade, act as natural air purifiers, and attract birds and other wildlife. Plus, they are low maintenance and can add a tropical touch to any landscape.
Palms are relatively easy to care for, but they do require some attention. Make sure to water them regularly, but not too much, and provide them with enough sunlight. Fertilizing and pruning can also help keep your palms healthy and thriving.
Yes, many palm varieties can be grown indoors as long as they have enough light and space. They can add a touch of greenery and tropical vibes to any room in your home.

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Christmas at Nelson Family Farms
Nelson Family Farms' Fruit Trees