
About the Plant

About Our Herbs

At Nelson Family Farms, we take pride in offering a wide variety of high-quality herbs for your gardening needs. Our herbs are grown with care and expertise, ensuring that you receive the freshest and most flavorful plants.

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Nelson Family Farms-Ornamental Nursery Plants

Varieties We Carry*

Curly/Flat Parsley, Dill, Sage, Basil, Lemon Verbena, Thyme, Rud, Lavender, Nasturtium, Mexican Tarragon, Cilantro, Culantro, Oregano, Savory, Lemon Balm, Thai Basil, Marjoram, Garlic, Onion, Chives, Peppermint, Mojito Mint, Chocolate Mint, Chamomile, Catnip, Lemon Grass, Stevia, Wheatgrass, Fennel and more.
*Subject to availability


FAQs for


Our herbs are carefully selected and grown in optimal conditions, resulting in robust and flavorful plants. We also offer a wide variety of herbs, so you can find exactly what you need for your cooking or medicinal needs.
Herbs are relatively low maintenance plants, but they do require some care to thrive. Make sure to water them regularly and provide adequate sunlight. You can also fertilize them occasionally to promote healthy growth.
Absolutely! Many of our herbs have medicinal properties and can be used for natural remedies. They also make great additions to teas and cocktails.

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