Hedge Plants

About the Plant

About Our Hedge Plants

Welcome to Nelson Family Farms, your one-stop shop for all your hedge plant needs. Our nursery is filled with a wide variety of beautiful and healthy plants that will add beauty and privacy to your outdoor space. From classic boxwood to vibrant hibiscus, we have everything you need to create the perfect hedge.

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Nelson Family Farms - Hedges
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Locally Grown

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Nelson Family Farms-Ornamental Nursery Plants

Varieties We Carry*

Boxwood, Gardenias, Plumbago, Viburnum, suspensum, Ligustrum, Crotons, Hibiscus, Azaleas, Evolvulus, Jasmine, Pittosporums, Bottlebrush, Ixora Maui, Oleanders, Ruellias, Clusia, Tibouchinas, Shrimp, Mona Lavender, Loral petalum, Iris, Buddleia, Dipladenias, Pentas, Red Grass, Muly Grass, White Grass, Firebush and more.
*Subject to availability


FAQs for

Hedge Plants

Hedge plants are a great way to add both beauty and functionality to your outdoor space. They provide privacy, create natural boundaries, and can even reduce noise pollution. Plus, with our wide variety of hedge plant options, you can find the perfect fit for your specific needs and preferences.
Caring for hedge plants is easy with the right knowledge and tools. Our team at Nelson Family Farms can provide you with expert tips and advice on how to properly water, fertilize, and prune your plants to ensure they thrive and stay healthy.
Absolutely! We welcome you to come visit our nursery and see our beautiful hedge plants in person. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you in selecting the perfect plants for your needs and answer any questions you may have.

We’d love to have you come for a visit!

Visit Our Nursery today!

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