
About the Plant

About Our Daisies

Daisy: Quintessentially Beautiful and Brilliantly Adaptable
Unveiling the Traits of the Classic Daisy
Synonymous with simplicity and cheerfulness, Daisies are perennial plants blooming with beautifully disc-like white petals around a yellow core. They typically grow between 1-3 feet high, characterized by lush green foliage, and the charming flower heads that pop up above the leaves. A daisy embraces aesthetics, resilience, and an enduring grace that captures the hearts of many.
Exploring the Various Uses of Daisies
Daisies add a classic charm to gardens, borders, and containers with their vibrant blossoms. Apart from this, they’re widely used for their aesthetic appeal in dried flower arrangements and bouquets. Daisies also have a history in herbal medicine, known to potentially aid in wound healing and control bleeding.

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Nelson Family Farms - Daisey
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Locally Grown

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Ready To Plant

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Nelson Family Farms-Ornamental Nursery Plants

Varieties We Carry*

*Subject to availability


FAQs for


It typically takes about 6-8 weeks for a Daisy to bloom after planting from seed. However, if you’re planting a mature transplanted daisy, it may bloom sooner.
Daisies generally need at least 1 inch of water per week during their growing season (spring and summer). They prefer evenly moist, well-drained soil but are relatively drought-tolerant once established.
Absolutely, Daisies work very well in containers. They are a versatile plant that adapts well to various environments. Just ensure the container has good drainage and that your daisies get plenty of sunlight, ideally about 6 hours daily.

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