
About the Plant

About Our Avocados

At Nelson Family Farms, we are proud to offer a wide variety of avocado trees for your home garden. Our avocados are grown with care and expertise, ensuring that you receive healthy and thriving plants.

Pineapple Icon
Nursery Avocado Tree with blossom and fruit
Nelson Family Farms - Grown

Locally Grown

Nelson Family Farms - Plants Icon

Ready To Plant

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Nelson Family Farms-Ornamental Nursery Plants

Varieties We Carry*

Brogdon, Day, Choquette, Donnie, Monroe, Simmonds, Oronegro, Utuado, Maria Black, Florida Hass, Mexicola, Super Hass, Rusell, Marcus Pumpkin and more.
*Subject to availability


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Christmas at Nelson Family Farms
Nelson Family Farms' Fruit Trees