
About the Plant

About Our Annuals

At Nelson Family Farms, we offer a wide variety of annual plants for your gardening needs. Our nursery plants are carefully selected and grown with care to ensure the best quality for our customers.

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Nelson Family Farms - Annual Plant
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Nelson Family Farms-Ornamental Nursery Plants

Varieties We Carry*

Begonia, Cosmos, Dianthus, Zinnia, Dahlias, Petunias, Supertunias, Impatiens, Salvias, Colias, Pancy, Marigolds, Lobularia, Gazania, Snapdragon, Celosias, Coreopsis, Catharanthus, Gerbera, Sun Hosta, Alyssum, Calibrachoa, Geranium, Verbana, Caladiums, Macedonia and more.
*Subject to availability


FAQs for


Annual plants are a great choice for adding color and variety to your garden. They bloom for one season and can be easily replaced the following year, allowing you to change up your garden design each year.
Annuals require regular watering and fertilizing to thrive. It’s important to also deadhead (remove spent flowers) to encourage new growth and prolong blooming.
Spring annuals should be planted after the last frost in your area. They will continue to bloom until the late summer heat and rain is too much for them. Fall annuals should be planted in late September and covered in the winter if there is a threat of frost.

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