
About the Plant

About Our Trees

At Nelson Family Farms, we offer a wide variety of beautiful and healthy trees for your home or garden. Our nursery plants are carefully selected and grown with love and care, ensuring that they will thrive in any environment.

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Nursery tree plants in a pot
Nelson Family Farms - Grown

Locally Grown

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Ready To Plant

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Nelson Family Farms-Ornamental Nursery Plants

Varieties We Carry*

Royal ponsiana, Jacaranda, Hibiscus Trees, Honkong orchid, Japanese Blueberry Tree, Mahoe Variegated, Eucalipto(Rainbow), Shady lady, Jamaican poinsettia, Live Oak Tree, Maple Tree, Magnolia, Crape Myrtle Hollys, Ligustrum, Tibuchina, Oleander, Bald Cypress and more.
*Subject to availability


FAQs for


Our trees are hand-picked and grown with care, ensuring that they are healthy and strong. We also offer a wide variety of tree species, so you can find the perfect fit for your home or garden.
Trees not only add beauty to your yard, but they also provide shade, improve air quality, and attract wildlife. They are also known to increase property value and reduce energy costs.
Proper watering, pruning, and fertilizing are essential for the health and growth of your trees. Our experts at Nelson Family Farms can provide you with tips and advice on how to care for your specific tree species.

We’d love to have you come for a visit!

Visit Our Nursery today!

Stop by and experience our difference for yourself.
Christmas at Nelson Family Farms
Nelson Family Farms' Fruit Trees